‘Compassion asks us to go where it hurts, to enter into the place of pain, to share in brokenness, fear, confusion and anguish.‘-Henri Nouwen The death of my gorgeous son twenty months ago has opened my eyes to a world full of pain. I’ve always been sensitive...

(10th April 2019 - 7 months without Ben!) ‘On days like this, when the ache is visceral, and I fall into the hole you left behind, I try to remind myself that nothing, absolutely nothing, can ever take the MEMORIES we made, the JOY we shared,...

I wrote this post about eleven months after Ben died. It’s now nineteen months (scarily edging towards two years) and I’m staggered by how little has actually changed! I will probably spend the rest of my life learning how to dodge around a plethora of love,...

Sixteen months without Ben (written 7th Feb 2020) There really is no easy way to live with grief. Some describe it as carrying a heavy boulder on your shoulder; a raw open wound; an amputation; a stone in your shoe - things that really hurt -...

Saying goodbye - 25th October 2018 The other evening my husband Paul and I were watching ‘The Sounds of the Seventies’ on TV and Bill Withers came on singing his famous song ‘Lean on Me’. It’s a song we probably all know well but as I...

No one ever told me that grief felt so like fear. C.S. Lewis, A Grief Observed This is going to be a complicated post as I try to get to grips with living with grief at the same time as living in the middle of a Coronavirus...

‘There is no greater gift you can give someone in grief than to ask them about their loved one...